Audio Note

Audio Note Factory Visit

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Following the grand opening of our dedicated Audio Note room here at The Audiobarn, Ben and myself have been anxiously waiting to get down to sunny Brighton for a factory visit. Well today is the day, we arrive suitably early and are welcomed with a lovely cup of coffee and an abundance of cake, yes I will thank you!

Hand-built Transformers (built by Barry)

Audio Note transformers are wound and built in house by Barry who tells us about the process for production, really impressive stuff. These are one of the few components that Audio Note keep for their own systems, more on this later. Rows and rows of wire reels, each being a slightly different wire gauge and make up.

Audio Note transformers, essential to the final sound quality, are produced in-house for maximum performance validation.
Micky describing how these amazing Audio Note components are built, think he’s been getting direction from Barry.
Micky describing how these amazing Audio Note components are built, think he’s been getting direction from Barry.
Yep, Barry called him out.
Yep, Barry called him out.
A row of finished transformers following dipping in their familiar orange varnish, all ready for fitting. Audio Note are so proud of these transformers that they can only produce enough of them for their own components. Anyone familiar with Audio Note knows this is heart of the Audio Note sound.
A completed pre dipped transformer ready for testing. Audio Note thoroughly test each unit to an exacting standard, recognised throughout the industry as a reference component.
A completed pre dipped transformer ready for testing. Audio Note thoroughly test each unit to an exacting standard, recognised throughout the industry as a reference component.
Fully tested transformers being removed from the high pressure chamber. Resin is then injected into every cavity to stop any movement or degradation of the transformer.
Fully tested transformers being removed from the high pressure chamber. Resin is then injected into every cavity to stop any movement or degradation of the transformer.
The excess resin shown dripping from the transformers, now ready for cooking in the oven to set the resin hard.
Hand-built Capacitors

Here are a couple of the capacitor winding machines at the Audio Note factory. Audio Note are world renowned for their capacitors and one of those items they do make available for purchase, one that is used by many other manufacturers in their high-end products due to their outstanding quality.

Some examples of post winding now with fly leads, yet to have their cases fitted.
A fully finished capacitor, encased and with the recognisable Audio Note hand printed label.
Audio Note capacitor stamp ready for printing, yes each and every one printed by hand as is every part of each capacitor.
Everywhere you look, various sizes of copper, tin and aluminium foil ready for the next batch of capacitors to be hand made. We are staggered by the amount of materials and components held in stock, no doubt enough to make many months worth of finished items. Good job really as we understand the order book is brimming.
TT3 Reference Turntable

Ooh what a masterpiece, the Audio Note TT3 Reference turntable in gloss black. We have the references baby brother the TT3 here on permanent demonstration in store at The Barn, and what a lovely machine it is.

The Audio Note TT3 Reference turntable in gloss black.
Audio Note TT3 Reference turntable in gloss black
A separate motor board for each of the three motors to keep them spinning all with the exact same precise timing. The three motors providing torque and rock-solid speed stability for your vinyl enjoyment.
A separate motor board for each of the three motors to keep them spinning all with the exact same precise timing. The three motors providing torque and rock-solid speed stability for your vinyl enjoyment.
Top down view showing the control board gripping those trio of motor boards with atomic clock accuracy. Who else but Audio Note….
Limited Field Coil Loudspeakers

Audio Note have just released their “Limited Field Coil” AN-E Loudspeaker range. Here is Micky showing us some of the many prototypes of motor unit used before the final decision on the preferred casting method.

“Limited Field Coil” AN-E Loudspeaker prototypes of motor unit
“Limited Field Coil” AN-E Loudspeaker prototypes of motor unit
The spider bolted to the field coil housing. These things are so heavy each speaker cabinet has to be reinforced to safely carry the additional mass.
The spider bolted to the field coil housing. These things are so heavy each speaker cabinet has to be reinforced to safely carry the additional mass.
Micky passed this one over quick, struggling, why always me?!
Micky passed this one over quick, struggling, why always me?!

And finally the field coil loudspeakers in all their glory, and what of thing of beauty it is and I don’t just mean visually. We are always able to loan these for demonstration should anyone wish to hear them for themselves here at the Barn, and I wholeheartedly recommend you do.

field coil loudspeakers
Stunning Audio Note field coil loudspeakers
Assembly (2 days to build an OTO)
An Oto mid build.  It takes around two days to produce one of these masterpieces, hand built by a single skilled operative.
An Oto mid build.  It takes around two days to produce one of these masterpieces, hand built by a single skilled operative.
A number of other builds were in progress whilst we walked through the build area, all at various stages of completion, all lovingly treated with meticulous build quality.
Those glorious transformers and capacitors now in situ within the equipment, waiting for some lucky customer to be adorned by its musical artistry.
Permali (Level 5)

Permali, this wonder material is now used extensively within Audio Note components and is the chosen product on their high-end level 5 and above units. It may look like a simple wooden board but it is much more and audio tests have shown its vast benefits, something we can attest too.

Permali Wood
A fully populated Permali board, again with those wonderful handmade Audio Note capacitors.
A fully populated Permali board, again with those wonderful handmade Audio Note capacitors.
Soak Testing

Each and every item is soak tested at least once, with many of them going through multiple soak/retest cycles to make sure they perform optimally once the lucky customer receives their product. The reliability of Audio Note products really is second to none, something, as an Audio Note dealer, we are proud to shout about.

Soak Test on benches
Soak Test on benches

Finally we get some serious time to listen to those sublime Limited Field Coil loudspeakers on the end of some very special Audio Note components. What an office Micky has, no wonder we scarcely see him. We could stay for hours, just listening, but alas we have come to the end of our tour for the day, what a day it has been.

Audio Note listening session
Time for some listening

We are so proud of our dedicated Audio Note room here at The Audiobarn, recently opened this year, please do come down and see us and experience what Audio Note can do. If you want real music, then you want Audio Note, just one more track Micky please!!!

The dedicated Audio Note Room at The Audiobarn
Our dedicated ‘Audio Note Room’ – here at The Audiobarn

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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011