Project – Alderley Edge, Cheshire

Concept drawing for new media room and snug


Family Friendly Media Room

Our clients are embarking on a whole-house refurbishment, to include a top quality Media Room designed and installed as part of the overall project.

The brief is challenging, in that the ‘parents’ are discerning music enthusiasts, with a classical training, who also need the room to function as a family friendly Home Cinema.  Combining both functions within an aesthetically pleasing space together with state-of-the-art performance is a challenge which we will always gladly accept!

The full project specification:

  • Dedicated Hi-Fi Listening Room with Home Cinema
  • Kitchen/Living Room ‘Media Wall’ for daytime use
  • Multi-Room Audio (2 Zones)

Initial Design Concepts

Positioning a large reflective display such as a OLED TV between the Hi-Fi loudspeakers compromises their acoustic performance .  To achieve optimum sound quality of the Hi-Fi system, an acoustically transparent cinema screen is proposed covering in-wall recessed cinema speakers.

This allows the front left, front right and centre channels of the Home Cinema system to be discreetly hidden away, allowing an immersive sound without the need for speakers encroaching into the room.
Media Room

As a smaller room, the door is to be veneered to match surrounding wall panels, creating a distraction free ‘stage’.

Concept with Audio Note AN-E Loudspeakers

The proposed Hi-Fi system incorporates Audio Note AN-E Loudspeakers which are specifically designed to work optimally from corner locations.

Project Completion

As the overall project currently sits awaiting planning permission to be granted, its time to have some fun with the auditioning of equipment.

Predicted completion date of this proiject is June 2025 - final images and discussion of the installation/equipment selection to follow.
Read about our Home Cinema Demonstration room here.
Our dedicated Cinema Room here at 'The Barn'

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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011