We were excited to meet one of our clients at Vertere’s facility in London, to demonstrate their RG-1 Reference Groove turntable. Having discussed Vertere’s range at length in our store, following a successful SG-1 demonstration, it quickly became apparent our client liked to jump straight to the top and wished to hear the flagship RG-1.
Upon discussing demonstration arrangements with Mike Burn of Vertere, we decided it would be best for us all to travel to London to hear the RG-1 in their listening space. The RG-1 at full reference level is a very exclusive piece and one they like to keep in-house if they can, as it’s used so much as a reference (no pun intended) when designing, testing and dare I say listening!
After a cup of coffee and allowing time for Touraj to provide a thorough briefing of the system, it was time to move on to the listening session.

Reference Groove Specification:
- RG-1 Reference Groove Turntable
- Reference Tonearm GEN III
- Reference Motor Drive with HBS Mains Lead
- XtraX Moving Coil Cartridge
- STAGE-1 Reference Isolation Platform

A quote to finish!
The session finished with the customer lost for words – he confessed to searching for something the demonstration lacked or could be improved upon, but the customer had to concede, remarking “that was perfection and I couldn’t fault it in any way”.
He went on to say it was such a natural portrayal of all the musical performances he played and that the realism was unrivalled to anything previously experienced. Touraj had done it again, from his entertaining presentation, impeccable music choices, to his engineering expertise as the great creator of the RG-1. What a gent!