Chord SignatureX Tuned ARAY Analogue DIN (1m)

A revelation in musical coherence – putting the performance first. Launched in 1998 and our first interconnect to use serious shielding. Signature was the result of intensive research into high-frequency interference and the design has influenced every cable that we’ve developed since.  Signature Tuned ARAY cables are assembled by hand – a process that allows further enhancement via our unique ARAY technology.


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The original Signature interconnect was designed as an RCA cable, and was impossible to terminate with a DIN connection. That didn’t stop people using the Signature with DIN/RCA adaptors. So when the chance came to redesign the cable to produce the Tuned ARAY version, we made certain it could be fitted with RCA, XLR and DIN connectors.

Audio/hi-fi manufacturers take enormous pride in the ability of their systems to play music with the rhythm, groove and soul intact. Tuned ARAY DIN cables became popular because they revealed just how well these components bought music to life.  Signature Tuned ARAY brings improvements to the more affordable DIN connected systems. It’s also a good cable to try with older systems. Ultimately a hi-fi system will only sound as good as its weakest component. Signature Tuned ARAY cable lets you hear how good the components are – and more often than not, they’re a lot better than you thought.

Fitted with Chord Company ChorAlloy™ plated connector pins.

The Signature Tuned ARAY DIN cables are available in DIN to DIN, RCA to DIN and DIN to XLR configuration. 1m standard length, with custom lengths available to order.

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Chord SignatureX Tuned ARAY Analogue DIN (1m)
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011