Chord SignatureX Tuned Aray XLR Interconnect (1m pair)

A revelation in musical coherence – putting the performance first.

Launched in 1998 and our first interconnect to use serious shielding. Signature was the result of intensive research into high-frequency interference and the design has influenced every cable that we’ve developed since.  Signature Tuned ARAY cables are assembled by hand – a process that allows further enhancement via our unique ARAY technology.


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“I thought I knew what this system sounded like.  I’m truly surprised that it should get so much better with the Tuned ARAY XLR in place.”

The Signature Tuned ARAY XLR, like its RCA counterpart, is a completely new cable design.  The Tuned ARAY technology used in the build process produces the same remarkable and musical results as other Tuned ARAYcables; that same, almost perfect balance of all the things a high fidelity should do and an addictive musical coherence.

Detail and dynamics flood out but in such a musical way that it’s easy to forget you are listening to a system and instead become engrossed in the musicians and the music they’re playing.

The Signature Tuned ARAY XLR will let you learn so much more about your favourite music and it will let you discover just how good your hi-fireally is – and like us, that’s probably going to be quite a bit better than you thought.

Listen to the Signature Tuned ARAY XLR with: “Mercy Street” from the album “South of Delia” by Richard Shindell.  A beautiful version of Peter Gabriel’s song by a wonderful singer/songwriter; lovely harmony singing from Lucy Kaplansky as well.

Available in 0.5m, 1m and custom lengths to order.

Tuned ARAY conductor geometry was originally developed for the ChordSarum cable range.

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Chord SignatureX Tuned Aray XLR Interconnect (1m pair)
Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011