Category: News

  • The all new Quad 33 and 303 pre power amplification

    The Quad 33 / 303 has arrived late in 2024 when retro/re-engineered Hifi equipment is at an all-time high. The…
  • The Antipodes Oladra compared to the KALA K50

    Less than a month since we took delivery of the rather superb sounding Antipodes Kala K50, it's older sibling, the…
  • Visit to Habitech showcase of home cinema and home automation

    We arranged a visit to Habitech, one of the UK’s leading distributors for Home Cinema, Home Automation (Smart Home) and…
  • Grimm MU2 Roon Core, DAC and Pre-Amplifier-Review

    Apart from the silver control disc, the Grimm MU2 looks identical to it’s older sibling - the Grimm MU1, OK…
  • 20/04/2024
    OK so where does the time go? It's Spring now here at 'The Barn', and we first leaked teaser images…
  • Audiovector R6 Arreté award winner

    We don't often share award news, but in this case we feel it is truly necessary to share this excellent…
  • Bristol Street near the show

    An event we always look forward to, a staple part of the UK Hifi calendar. Bristol is a vibrant city…
  • Audio note AN-E speaker on demonstration at the audiobarn in essex uk

    As many of you may know, we started The Audiobarn back in November 2014 after what had seemed, an endless…
  • The Audiobarn visit Wilson Benesch in Sheffield

    It was around this time last year that we first started speaking with Luke Milnes of Wilson Benesch.  At that…
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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011